If employment issues weren't enough stress, the state of Virginia has experienced one of the coldest, snowiest winters since 1942. Our boys actually didn't have a regular day of school for the first 2 weeks of February! While I did enjoy playing in the snow with the kids and all the fabulous picture opportunities a snow day brings, being employed part-time (me) I don't get paid days off. At the same time, my beloved iMac completely stopped working and our downstairs heating unit seised putting out heat - ugh! Once again, financial stresses loomed overhead.
I truly believe that this difficult time in our family's life has made each of us stronger. We have all learned the TRUE value of a dollar and have actually enjoyed finding ways to make that buck go farther. God's ways never cease to amaze me!!
I did manage to muster up some of my lost mojo, and used it to put together the following two layouts.
Matthew, February 2010
Disney Vacation, 2008
I promise to try and stay on top of the posts and bring you all some more fun layouts. Thanks for taking a moment to look at my work!